Total Quality Management: Guide to Method, Benefits, Principles, and Implementation

Have you ever implemented a new process, eagerly anticipated the surge in productivity and positive feedback, only to be met with… silence? If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. Many organizations, implement processes and then find themselves perplexed by the lack of response. The reality is, initiating the process is just the beginning—ensuring it delivers consistent quality and improvement … Read more

What is the Cost of Quality

The term “Cost of quality” refers to the expenditure made in preventing, detecting, and correcting defects in products. These costs can be far-ranging and include the costs of prevention, appraisal, and internal/external failure costs, as well as the total effectiveness of the business and its customer satisfaction. As we know, Quality Management is the backbone of … Read more

Achieving Lasting Customer Loyalty Through Effective Quality Management Strategies

Recently we’ve been writing about ISO 9001 (including Introduction to ISO 9001, ISO 9001 Key Benefits, Common challenges when implementing ISO 9001). Attaining 9001 is the aspiration of many businesses , and it’s definitely worth the effort; however all too often, we focus on achieving certification and not necessarily on why we’re doing it and the various positive impacts it might have on your business. In today’s piece, we’ll be looking at how having an effective quality … Read more

Documents for Quality Management Audits

In our recent article on ISO 9001 we provided an introduction to the standard, what 9001 is, how to get certified and what help you might need along the way. In today’s article we’ll be looking at a complimentary activity – that of audits, we’ll be looking at whay sort of documents you’ll be looking … Read more

Risk Based Auditing

The approach and value obtained from auditing vary significantly from one organization to another, with audits typically focused on elements such as compliance, certification, identifying deficiencies, and continuous improvement. At worst there seen as just something that you have to get done, at best there seen as a tool that can contribute significantly to the … Read more

Outsourcing Quality Management

Outsourcing quality management involves partnering with a third-party provider to administer all or elements of the quality management function. Outsourcing may include activities such as auditing, inspections, continuous improvement and supplier quality management.  As part of the outsourcing processes, organizations are likely to determine which tasks get outsourced based on factors such as need and … Read more

Ethics and Quality Management

Ethics and Quality management are closely intertwined methodologies which contribute to an organization’s ability to achieve excellence in both the context of production processes and customer and stakeholder expectations. We can summarise these frameworks as follows: Both of these factors have a significant influence on how an organization operates, how it produces its products and … Read more

Quality risk management

Quality risk management is a methodology used within industry and service sector organizations that identifies, assesses and contains possible risks that might impact the quality of a product or service. Quality risk management is used within a wide variety of sectors, from manufacturing organizations to healthcare. In today’s article, we’ll be looking at Quality risk … Read more

Risk Management in a Quality Management System

Risk management has a significant role in a business’s quality management system.  Effective risk management facilitates compliance (risk has a notable role within ISO9001) and overall business effectiveness through forward-thinking processes and environment. The result is a Quality Management System that generates an environment for excellence, innovation and competitive advantage. In today’s article, we’ll be … Read more

Process Management Framework

A Process Management Framework is a management system that is constructed from a hierarchy of documents and processes spanning end-to-end activities in support of customer requirements and deliverables. Process management frameworks are an alternative to silo-based, functional management systems.   The methodology focuses on optimizing interconnecting processes that span the organization and operators of those processes … Read more