How to establish effective Quality Assurance

Quality assurance provides evidence to a business that it is producing a great product. It involves several aspects, such as establishing an understanding of standards and requirements that must be met together with an assessment of the methods, approach and results achieved pertaining to quality in an organization. Quality Assurance, when operated successfully, can help … Read more

Seven Basic Tools of Quality

The seven basic tools of quality, which are often associated with Dr Kaoru Ishikawa, are a set of quality control tools that can be used for problem-solving and continuous improvement. In this article, we’ll be looking at the seven basic tools of quality; we’ll be covering: What are the seven basic tools of quality The … Read more

Information Technology Quality Assurance

Information Technology Quality Assurance is the process of monitoring the quality of a product (often software) as it is being developed or maintained.   Quality Assurance generally encompasses the entire development process, including standards compliance; requirement, design and code reviews; software inspections; testing; and management processes such as configuration management and process improvement. In this Information … Read more

Day by the hour board

A day by the hour board is a manufacturing tool that provides a visual representation of production progress, including aspects such as: Work that must be achieved during the day together with its status. Availability and capacity by the hour, machine or work centre. Issues and events that might require attention  A day by the … Read more

Quality Manager Certification

A Quality Management Certification is a qualification achieved by an individual that demonstrates that the holder has knowledge of Quality Management principles and can implement it to a high level of effectiveness within a business or industry sector. A Quality Management Certification shows potential employers that you have credible Quality Management expertise and that you … Read more

Operational Readiness

Operational Readiness is a condition that is gradually achieved through carrying out activities that result in the safe startup of process. Loss or non-conformance is higher during the shift in starting up a process, and, therefore, a structured and safe startup can reduce risk. In today’s article, we’ll be looking at operational readiness; we’ll be … Read more

Quality Assurance Reporting Structure

A typical quality assurance reporting structure varies on several factors, including the company’s size, applicable regulatory requirements and general organizational structure (i.e. team-based or hierarchical). Some roles may be specific when assessing a quality assurance reporting structure; for example, dependent on the industry. However, many roles are functionally driven and are therefore common for example: … Read more

5s workspace

As its name implies, a 5s workspace is constructed utilizing the 5s methodology. A 5s workspace is built on the premise that an organized, standardised and cleaner workplace is more effective, delivering improved levels of output with less waste.   5S is a methodology that can provide the tools to help you organize your workspace. It … Read more

What is Quality Leadership

Quality Leadership describes the ability of an entity (which could be a person, organization or other) to provide “leadership” in the attainment of quality-related benefits such as excellence, compliance, effectivity etc. As with traditional leadership, Quality Leadership includes a variety of topics; these include Strategy Goal Setting Planning Employee development. While there are similarities, Quality … Read more

Process of benchmarking

The process of benchmarking typically involves a series of steps which include: Setting an objective Identify Who/What you will benchmark against Gathering data Comparing data Identify drivers behind differences Establish an action plan to imbed beneficial changes Implement Monitor and repeat   The goal of the benchmarking process is to evaluate the current status of something … Read more