5s workspace

As its name implies, a 5s workspace is constructed utilizing the 5s methodology. A 5s workspace is built on the premise that an organized, standardised and cleaner workplace is more effective, delivering improved levels of output with less waste.   5S is a methodology that can provide the tools to help you organize your workspace. It … Read more

Process of benchmarking

The process of benchmarking typically involves a series of steps which include: Setting an objective Identify Who/What you will benchmark against Gathering data Comparing data Identify drivers behind differences Establish an action plan to imbed beneficial changes Implement Monitor and repeat   The goal of the benchmarking process is to evaluate the current status of something … Read more

Analytical Problem Solving

In this post, we’ll be looking at analytical problem-solving. We’ll take a look at what it is, what the critical skills are, and how you can develop them. We’ll also take a look at how analytical problem solving can help both your organization and your own career prospects.  The importance of Analytical Problem Solving I … Read more

Process Validation

It might seem an obvious thing to recognize, but most organizations strive to produce a product that meets it’s customers’ requirements (some you may be surprised to find out even try to excel them!) While this may seem self-evident (after all, who looks to provide bad products?), for many, meeting requirements equals compliance against regulations. … Read more

CAPA Process

Most businesses face some degree of issues, failures, and nonconformances. All too often, issues arise in the form of production errors, process failures, or 3rd party supplier issues.   When these issues happen, businesses require a disciplined process, at the heart of their Quality Management system. One that not only aims to identify what has occurred … Read more

Corrective Action Process

In this post, we’ll be taking a look at the corrective action process. We’ll cover what it is, some examples, why your business should use one, what’s good about it, and some things you might want to watch out for. Let’s start with the basics, a corrective action process is where a business takes a … Read more