Statistics in Quality

Statistics in Quality refers to widely used methodologies that are employed to capture and analyze data in order to determine aspects such as  A variety of statistical methods are commonly used; these include: In this article, we’ll be looking at how we utilize statistical methods in Quality; we’ll be covering  What are Statistics in Quality? … Read more

Visual Problem Solving

Visual problem-solving is a method where an individual or team uses visual tools such as charts, indicators, diagrams, infographics, and pictures as an integrated part of the problem-solving process to both understand and generate solutions to given problems. Visual problem-solving has several characteristics, including simplifying complex issues and lends itself to use in business when … Read more

Time value map

A time value map is a graphical or chart-based tool that describes a process, characterizing how it is built up from steps that do or do not add value. The resultant “map” allows us to assess a process and, through continuous improvement activity, highlight areas that may be evaluated and enhanced to increase value add. … Read more

Measuring Performance Improvement 

Measuring performance improvement is a business strategy that involves analyzing the effect of changes made to business activities (such as processes, policies, organization and systems) in order to determine improvements achieved (such as increased production quantities, sales, customers, and improved quality). Measuring performance improvement is critical to determining the success of continuous improvement activities. In … Read more

Structured Problem Solving

Structured problem solving is an organized process that describes a set of steps that guide a user (or group) through the process of identifying, analyzing and resolving problems. By applying a set structure to the problem solving process, users increase the opportunity of a successful outcome. This is primarily achieved through the use of data … Read more

Value Stream Management

Value stream management is a methodology that uses various techniques and tools to map, assess and improve interconnected processes and systems.   Results of this approach help increase the efficiency and effectiveness of processes and drive higher value to the customer. Value Stream Management can be applied during various product lifecycle stages, including development, production and … Read more

Preventative Maintenance Checklist

A preventive maintenance checklist is a document that captures a collection of tasks that are expected to be undertaken to mitigate problems (such as machine breakdown) during normal operation. Their use ensures the following of a prescribed process and that preventative maintenance tasks are executed as required. They also provide a mechanism for recording that … Read more

Seven Basic Tools of Quality

The seven basic tools of quality, which are often associated with Dr Kaoru Ishikawa, are a set of quality control tools that can be used for problem-solving and continuous improvement. In this article, we’ll be looking at the seven basic tools of quality; we’ll be covering: What are the seven basic tools of quality The … Read more

Day by the hour board

A day by the hour board is a manufacturing tool that provides a visual representation of production progress, including aspects such as: Work that must be achieved during the day together with its status. Availability and capacity by the hour, machine or work centre. Issues and events that might require attention  A day by the … Read more

Operational Readiness

Operational Readiness is a condition that is gradually achieved through carrying out activities that result in the safe startup of process. Loss or non-conformance is higher during the shift in starting up a process, and, therefore, a structured and safe startup can reduce risk. In today’s article, we’ll be looking at operational readiness; we’ll be … Read more